Rotary Unions, Swivel Joints,
Air Breather Filters, Flexible Hoses


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Rotary Unions in the Steel Industry

Thursday 22nd June 2023

For this month’s blog we thought we would look again at how rotary unions are used in the steel industry.

Filton rotary unions and swivel joints are used in a wide variety of industries. In the steel industry the rotary unions allow a constant flow of water into the rotating rolls without leakage.

Perhaps the best example of use is the cooling of copper conductor rolls on sheet tinning lines. Rotary Unions are also used extensively in rolling mills, for both cooling the rolls and the bearings.  This ensures the roll is kept at a constant temperature and the product at a uniform width.


Furnace rolls and rolls adjacent to furnaces are also water cooled.  Temperatures of the furnaces can reach over 1000°C, the water cooling prevents the rolls from melting. 


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