Juntas rotativas, Juntas giratorias,
Filtros de ventilación, Tubos flexibles


Diseñado y fabricado en el Reino Unido. Más de 75 años suministrando al mundo entero.

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Custom Rotary Unions – Specials

Thursday 18th January 2024

We can work with you to design and manufacture a joint to suit your application.

Sometimes the option of choosing a standard Rotary Union will not suit your application, in such instances, we are able to offer special Rotary Unions or Swivel Joints designed and manufactured to your specific requirement.

A Special Rotary Union may be considered if, for example, the following applies:


-          Higher Pressures

-          Higher Speeds

-          Abrasive Medium

-          Higher or Lower Temperatures


Each customer will have their own specific requirement; and many factors will determine the design of the union.


In these cases our Design Team will work with you to find the best solution to suit your application, it may just be a small modification required to a standard joint or it may be a completely new design. If a new design, the Design Team will be pleased to prepare drawings for your approval.


The Design Team will focus on ensuring that the Rotary Union or Swivel Joint will meet your applications needs, working with you to develop a reliable, technically advanced solution, with your goals in mind.


To speak with our Design Team you can contact them either by Phone on +44 1926 423 191 or by email at technical@filtonltd.co.uk