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фильтры сапуна, гибкие шланги


Продукция разрабатывается и изготовляется в Великобритании. Изделия компании поставляются во многие страны мира в течение более 75 лет.

08:46:15 BST




Russian Iron & Steel Products

Wednesday 10th April 2024

Our declaration regarding Iron & Steel products.

We can confirm that all of our iron and steel suppliers comply with the provisions outlined in 

The Russia (Sanctions (EU Exit) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 – Chapter 4CA regarding the prohibition

on the import of certain Russian iron and steel products processed in a third country  or multiple third

countries.  They have taken all necessary measures to ensure that none of the products offered to their

customers violate the regulations.  They have also reviewed their supply chains and implemented strict

controls to guarantee their products meet all legal requirements.